Bay Club Sea Lofts Mount Pleasant SC Homes & Real Estate For Sale MLS Listings Data: Bay Club Sea LoftsTotal Listings:1Average Price:$435,000Highest Listing Price:$435,000Average Days On Market:46Houses For Sale Bay Club Sea Lofts subdivision Mount Pleasant SC. MLS real estate listings for sale in Bay Club Sea Lofts Mount Pleasant SC by price, street, age, list date, bedrooms & more Bay Club Sea Lofts Mount Pleasant SC. Currently, Bay Club Sea Lofts in Mount Pleasant SC has a total of one listings on the local MLS for sale with an average price point of $435,000, the max being $435,000 and the lowest priced house $435,000. The neighborhood of Bay Club Sea Lofts subdivision in Mount Pleasant SC has an average house size of 1,000 sq ft and the average days on the market in this community is 46. RelativeSort by Year Built: low to highSort by Year Built: high to lowSort by price: low to highSort by price: high to lowSort from oldest to newestSort from newest to oldestSort by status: active to under contractSort by status: under contract to active Filters Saving Subscribe Unsubscribe Loading...