Back River Bend Goose Creek SC Homes & Real Estate For Sale

MLS Listings Data: Back River Bend

Total Listings:13
Average Price:$347,592
Highest Listing Price:$378,900
Average Days On Market:107

Houses For Sale Back River Bend subdivision Goose Creek SC. MLS real estate listings for sale in Back River Bend Goose Creek SC by price, street, age, list date, bedrooms & more Back River Bend Goose Creek SC. Currently, Back River Bend in Goose Creek SC  has a total of thirteen listings on the local MLS for sale with an average price point of $347,592, the max being $378,900 and the lowest priced house $317,900. The neighborhood of Back River Bend subdivision in Goose Creek SC has an average house size of 1,338 sq ft and the average days on the market in this community is 107.