Greenville County SC Homes For Sale & Real Estate Properties on MLS

MLS Listings Data: Greenville

Total Listings:2,544
Average Price:$498,605
Highest Listing Price:$6,999,000
Average Days On Market:150

Houses & real estate For Sale Greenville county SC. MLS real estate listings for sale in the Greenville County SC by price, street, age, types: condos, waterfront homes, lakefront, beachfront, golf communities, subdivisions, townhomes, luxury condos, 55+ neighborhoods, list date, bedrooms & more Greenville County SC. Presently, %city% SC has a total of two thousand five hundred forty-four listings on the local MLS for sale with an average price point of $$498,605, the max being $$6,999,000 and the lowest priced house $$5,000 to purchase. Homes for sale in Greenville County SC have an average size of 2,337 sq ft and the average days on the market in Greenville County SC is 150 days.