Rivertowne Mount Pleasant SC Properties For SaleRivertowne Mount Pleasant, SC- Search new homes, existing property, and real estate for sale in this gorgeous community called Rivertowne Subdivision which has a stellar golf course, country club, and riverfront homes to enjoy. Just on the other side of Dunes West neighborhood, Rivertowne offers a lot of the same things. Lots / LandHome Sites MLS Listings DataTotal Listings:18Average Price:$1,285,641Highest Listing Price:$2,499,000Average Days On Market:72 RelativeSort by Year Built: low to highSort by Year Built: high to lowSort by price: low to highSort by price: high to lowSort from oldest to newestSort from newest to oldestSort by status: active to under contractSort by status: under contract to active Filters Saving Subscribe Unsubscribe Loading...