Johns Island SC Riverfront Homes For Sale on Deep waterJohns Island Riverfront Homes For Sale | Listings MLS for deep water homes John’s Island South Carolina | See all homes for sale riverfront on John’s Island SC. John’s Island has a lot of waterfront property that is still undeveloped, and as for what has been developed waterfront homes on Johns Island is fairly abundant. With a large river with tons of creeks finding waterfront and deep water houses on John’s Island can be had at a reasonable price as compared to the other popular areas of Charleston SC with waterfront properties. MLS Listings DataTotal Listings:78Average Price:$1,145,964Highest Listing Price:$3,495,000Average Days On Market:147 RelativeSort by Year Built: low to highSort by Year Built: high to lowSort by price: low to highSort by price: high to lowSort from oldest to newestSort from newest to oldestSort by status: active to under contractSort by status: under contract to active Filters Saving Subscribe Unsubscribe Loading...