Mount Pleasant SC Condos For SaleCondos for sale Mount Pleasant SC. For the most part, the distinction between a condo and a townhouse is really a legal technicality. Although most people associate them with a townhouse having access to the ground whereas a condo doesn’t, but that isn’t necessarily true. Townhouses can’t be like condos, but condos CAN be like what we think as of a townhouse. In that, I mean a condo can have a horizontal property regime and can look just like a townhouse, and open right to the ground, and be side by side as you see with most townhomes. However, a condo can also by just like a mid or high rise building, as well as look just like an apartment. Townhouses, on the other hand, have to open to the ground floor because the legal designation for a townhouse means you as the owner are responsible for the liability and upkeep of the dirt right in front of your property whereas a condo isn’t structured that way. All Charleston Townhouses The Tides – The Renaissance – Hamlin Plantation – Park West – Charleston National – Etiwan Pointe – Tolers Cove MLS Listings DataTotal Listings:104Average Price:$613,630Highest Listing Price:$2,995,000Average Days On Market:61 RelativeSort by Year Built: low to highSort by Year Built: high to lowSort by price: low to highSort by price: high to lowSort from oldest to newestSort from newest to oldestSort by status: active to under contractSort by status: under contract to active Filters Saving Subscribe Unsubscribe Loading...