River Reach Pointe Homes for Sale off Clements Ferry Rd WandoHomes for sale Rivers Reach Pointe | Listing on MLS in River Reach Pointe Charleston SC off Clements Ferry Rd. River Reach Point in Wando SC is close to Daniel Island and Mt Pleasant and it is this convenient location to both that make it a very desired location in Charleston. The Wando SC area is one of the fastest growing parts of the Low-country due to its large amount of undeveloped land and proximity to desired suburbs of Mount Pleasant and Daniel Island. Other popular communities in the area are Nelliefield Plantation, Shellring at St Thomas Island, Wando Point, St Thomas Point, and Beresford Hall. MLS Listings DataTotal Listings:3Average Price:$931,667Highest Listing Price:$1,100,000Average Days On Market:52 RelativeSort by Year Built: low to highSort by Year Built: high to lowSort by price: low to highSort by price: high to lowSort from oldest to newestSort from newest to oldestSort by status: active to under contractSort by status: under contract to active Filters Saving Subscribe Unsubscribe Loading... RECENTLY SOLD MLS Listings DataTotal Listings:3Average Price:$931,667Highest Listing Price:$1,100,000Average Days On Market:52 RelativeSort by Year Built: low to highSort by Year Built: high to lowSort by price: low to highSort by price: high to lowSort from oldest to newestSort from newest to oldestSort by status: active to under contractSort by status: under contract to active Filters Saving Subscribe Unsubscribe Loading... NEIGHBORHOODS IN THE AREA Active Listings Avg Days on Market Avg DoM Avg Price A