Ansonborough Charleston SC Downtown Homes for Sale

ANSONBOROUGH Homes For Sale DOWNTOWN CHARLESTON, SC – REAL ESTATE LISTINGS FOR SALE. Search Ansonborough Historic Homes For Sale – Encompassing the Historic Market area, Waterfront Park, and its fair share of hotels, expect to see plenty of tourists traipsing their way through Ansonborough. But in between all that, this heavily residential area offers a quiet retreat away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Charleston, complete with tree-lined streets, Gadsdenboro Park, and a nearby Harris Teeter for those times when you actually have money for groceries. View all properties for sale by price, size, street, property type, waterfront, townhomes, luxury condos, features, view and more.  


Map of Downtown Charleston SC


MLS Listings Data

Total Listings:25
Average Price:$3,052,512
Highest Listing Price:$6,500,000
Average Days On Market:115