North Myrtle Beach SC Oceanfront Homes For SaleBeachfront homes for sale North Myrtle Beach SC. North Myrtle Beach SC real estate offers more than just beachfront homes & condos, but it also offers fun and coastal lifestyle enjoyment. If you’re in the market for an investment property, second home, or considering moving here you can find all beachfront homes for sale in Myrtle Beach, as well as beachfront on the ocean waterfront condos for sale in North Myrtle Beach and Myrtle Beach SC. View North Myrtle Beach SC real estate listings on MLS here by prices, size, age, property type, floor, number of bedrooms and more. MLS Listings DataTotal Listings:319Average Price:$581,878Highest Listing Price:$4,500,000Average Days On Market:133 RelativeSort by Year Built: low to highSort by Year Built: high to lowSort by price: low to highSort by price: high to lowSort from oldest to newestSort from newest to oldestSort by status: active to under contractSort by status: under contract to active Filters Saving Subscribe Unsubscribe Loading... OTHER SC BEACH COMMUNITIES Myrtle Beach Surfside Beach Garden City SC Murrells Inlet Pawley’s Island Georgetown SC